AI-powered KYC & KYB with human supervision is the AI-based KYC, KYB and Compliance solution for the Fintech and other industries. Face recognition to the next level. Reusable and GDPR compliant ID Verification.

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Identity Validation Done Right

Once identity information is provided by a user, Team authenticates submitted data against public records and available information to verify legitimate customers.

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A Global Network of Third Party Validation Companies

We provide notary nodes to government agencies and trusted companies around the world to verify identities of accounts. In return, we give a Passport Coin for every account, verified through a node.

Connecting Businesses and Customers

We provide business nodes to online business owners who want to verify their customers and prevent unauthorized access. In return, an owner exchanges a Passport Coin for each account authorization request.

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Create Your Global Blockchain ID Now

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